Shakespeare like you have never seen before! March 27-April 12

A COMEDY like you have NEVER seen before! March 27-April 12 @ 7:30 pm. Tickets: or call the GPLT Box Office: 780 538 1616.

Rated 14+ for language.

Shakespeare like you have never seen it before! All 37 of his plays in one hilarious evening! You don’t have to like or understand Shakespeare to enjoy this play!
The cultural touchstone that is THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (ABRIDGED) was born when three inspired, charismatic comics, having honed their pass-the-hat act at Renaissance fairs, premiered their preposterous masterwork at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1987. It quickly became a worldwide phenomenon, earning the title of London’s longest-running comedy after a decade at the Criterion Theatre. THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (ABRIDGED) is one of the world’s most frequently produced plays and has been translated into several dozen languages. Featured are all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays, meant to be performed in 97 minutes, by three actors. Fast paced, witty, and physical, it’s full of laughter for Shakespeare lovers and haters alike. The original version was followed by the 2010 REVISED version, and this latest REVISED AGAIN version includes changes that celebrate and encourage greater diversity and inclusivity in today’s theater.

Originally produced by Reduced Shakespeare Company
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC

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Looking for Entries for the April 19, 2025 One Act Play Festival- Entry Deadline is April 4

Is there a one act play you have always wanted to produce? Need an outlet for your own new play? New at directing and want to try your hand at a smaller script? Enter the Alberta Drama Festival Association Peace Region One Act Play Festival! Hosted by the Grande Prairie Live Theatre on Saturday April 19, 2025.
GPLT will provide the venue, rehearsal space, audience, and professional adjudication; you provide the script, creative team, and stupendous ideas! Any scripted play, previously published or new between 10 to 60 minutes in length, is eligible for production. Entry fee is $50 and being accepted now until April 4. Only 7 spaces available.
FYI: We can help you find a script if needed, we have a small library in our theatre that potential directors can browse and sign out scripts. Or we can order a script in if there is one you are interested in reading.

Winning play will go to the provincial festival in Medicine Hat May 30 and 31, 2025 to represent our region. For more information or to request a registration package, call the GPLT box office at 780-538-1616 or email

Here is the 2025 Entry Form: Peace Region ADFA One Act Play submission form 2025 

Email your completed entry form to: or drop it off at the Grande Prairie Live Theate Box Office no later than April 4, 2025.

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Thank you for 2024! Welcome to 2025! Plays, Concerts and More!

Thank you to All for supporting GPLT in 2024! Enjoy the holidays! We are closed until January 9. Tickets to all events can be purchased @ Welcome back in 2025!

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Thank you to our sponsors, funders, volunteers and patrons.