An Anonymous Donor has agreed to match all donations made during GPLT’s 60th Anniversary Season.
As of September 1, Some Wonderful People have contributed $6460 !!!!
Would you join this amazing group of GPLT supporters?
Please contribute to our “60 Donors for $60” Club. Your $60 is matched for a total of $120 for GPLT activities.
We will send you a tax receipt, our never-ending thanks and put you on our list of GPLT supporters for all to see.
Contact the Box Office to keep your donation anonymous.
Link to Donate Now
When you do decide to help us out, follow the “Link to Donate Now” prompt. Select “Buy” then select “1” ticket instead of the “2” that shows up. Select the level of your support. Proceed to check out.
Thank you for your support!
Or help us out even more:
$120 donation gets 2 vouchers good for any GPLT play or musical plus a tax receipt, thanks, etc. GPLT gets a total of $240
$180 donation gets 4 vouchers good for any GPLT play or musical, etc. GPLT gets a total of $360
$240 donation gets 6 vouchers good for any GPLT play or musical, etc. GPLT gets a total of $480
Or do you have your own idea on how you can help us celebrate our 60th Season of making people happy? Call Wayne at (780)538-1616 or email:
You can also donate by going to the “Double Your Donation” event on this site’s home page