July 31 at 4:30 pm is the nomination deadline for the GPLT Volunteer Awards

July 31 at 4:30 pm is the deadline for GPLT Volunteer Award nominations
Nominate a deserving GPLT Volunteer for one of our three awards. Download the nomination form with a full description of the award criteria:

Submit nominations and applications in confidence to manager@gplt.ca or drop off nominations and applications at the GPLT Box Office. The successful award recipients are chosen by the GPLT Board. All nominations are kept confidential.
Awards will be presented at the GPLT AGM on September 15, 2024 at 2 pm.
The awards are:
THE JENNIE TETREAU AWARD for consistent long-term contribution.
THE SHORT BUT SWEET AWARD for consistent short term contribution by a person age 18 or over.
THE RISING STAR AWARD for consistent short term contribution by a person less than 18 years of age.

August 11 @ 4:30 pm is the deadline to apply for these GPLT Bursaries.
The $1000 Sukumar Nayar Bursary awarded to a deserving Student enrolled in a post secondary theatre related program
Two Theatre Alberta Workshop or Course Bursaries of $600 each to two Adults who want to travel out of our region to take a short course or workshop on a live theatre related subject.
Arts Trek Bursary to reimburse a student for part of their 2023 Arts Trek expenses.
Download the Bursary criteria and application form at:62nd-season-bursaries-1

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Notice of the Grande Prairie Live Theatre Annual General Meeting 2 pm September 15, 2024 at GPLT

Notice of the Grande Prairie Live Theatre Annual General Meeting 2 pm September 15, 2024 at GPLT, 10130-98 Avenue Grande Prairie Alberta. Election of President Elect, Vice President, Treasurer for a two year term, Secretary for a one year term, Youth Board Member, and 2 Members at Large for 2 years terms. Nominations are open to any GPLT Member. For more information on the AGM and the nomination/election process contact Manager Wayne Ayling at manager@gplt.ca.
Descriptions of the Board Member Duties:
Every Board Member is expected to attend 11 Board meetings, sit on at least one working committee and participate in Board initiatives. Preparing for meetings by reading documents sent out in advance of each meeting. Contributing new ideas to move GPLT forward.
All those elected to the board will be asked to attend a board orientation and introduction get together within two weeks after the AGM
President Elect: a 2 year commitment. The President Elect automatically becomes the President in the following year,
Vice President: A 3 year commitment. The new Vice President automatically becomes the President Elect and President in the following years.
The Treasurer provides oversight of GPLT’s financial matters, budgets and accounts. Focus on contributing to Board initiatives and providing new ideas.
Secretary: A 1 year commitment. Focus on GPLT taking and preparation of Meeting Minutes. Focus on contributing to Board initiatives and providing new ideas.
Member at Large: A 2 year commitment. Required to sit on at least one working committee. Focus on contributing to Board initiatives and providing new ideas.
Youth Board Member: Must be 16-20. A 1 year commitment. Required to sit on at least one working committee. Focus on contributing to Board initiatives and providing new ideas.

The GPLT Working Committees are:
Equality and Inclusion
Marketing and Media
Next Season Play Selection
Current Season Support
Governance and Policy

The current President, Rick Svendsen will provide a review of the 61st season. Questions from all in attendance are welcomed.

A social time in the Encores Lounge will follow the AGM.

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Card’s Cafe Fundraiser Cabaret POSTPONED to AUGUST 23 & 24, 2024

Due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control the Card’s Cafe Fundraiser Cabaret has been postponed and rescheduled to August 23 and 24, 2024.
If you have tickets for the June dates, contact the GPLT Box Office to move your tickets to one of the new dates or get a full refund.

Board Game Geeks and Musical Theatre Nerds unite! Join us for an unique evening of musical entertainment and gaming, and help us in our dream of bringing Card’s Board Game Cafe back to life under new ownership!

We will bring a selection of board games to play before and after the concert.

6pm: Doors and Board Gaming Mixer
7pm: Musical Theatre Concert (including intermission)
8:30pm: More Board Gaming (available until 11pm)

Bar and concession will be available from 6pm-10pm, with proceeds going to the Card’s Cafe reboot.

Enjoy songs from popular contemporary musicals such as Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, Hairspray, Wicked, The Last 5 Years, Urinetown, Jekyll and Hyde, and Tick Tick… Boom.

The concert will feature the incredible vocal talents of four established local performers: John-Mark Smith, Haley Power, John Moutray, and Caitlin Card.

Piano accompaniment by Carmen Bartel.
Headshot credit: Martine Martell
Poster by RoxieArt

**About: This is a fundraiser event to help kickstart a reboot of Card’s Board Game Cafe. Card’s was a popular local community hub that operated in downtown Grande Prairie from May 2015 to September 2023.

Ticket sales as well as food and drink proceeds will go directly towards reboot expenses.

The new owner’s hope is to re-open in a new location sometime in 2024.**

For any questions about this event, please contact Ben at cardsboardgamecafe@gmail.com.

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Thank you to our sponsors, funders, volunteers and patrons.