Happy Thoughts: The Gift of Live Theatre

Happy Thoughts for this Holiday Season. Give the Gift of Live Theatre. Grande Prairie Live Theatre has 3 great gift ideas. GIFT CERTIFICATES never expire. Nana’s Naughty Knickers has been rescheduled to Feb. 4-20, 2021. The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble by Beth Graham has been rescheduled to March 4-20. Tickets and info at gplt.ca or call 780 538 1616.

Thanks to Marcia Tofer for the Happy Thoughts graphic.

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Think Happy Thoughts! Nana’s Naughty Knickers is a GO!

During this Covid lockdown, GPLT is closed to in person visits. We are open online at gplt.ca or call 780 538 1616. Gift Certificates can be sent by email. We can exchange your tickets or provide refunds over the phone. WE MISS YOU!!!
The new dates for Nana’s Naughty Knickers are February 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20, 2021. Tickets are on sale for Nana and the Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble.

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The Pillowman Auditions Dec 2 & 3

The Pillowman Auditions are at GPLT on Wednesday December 2 @ 7-9 pm and Thursday December 3 @ 7-9 pm. Everyone is welcome. Dropins are welcome.
Call the Box Office 780 538 1616 or email; Box.Office@gplt.ca to book an audition time.
A perusal copy of the script is available at the Box Office for a $5 refundable deposit.
*Please note that roles are open to all gender identities*
Audition Requirements
2 Minute Contemporary Dark Comedic Monologue
Please pick up provided monologues and sign up for an audition slot at the Box Office.
If you have a dramatic/dark comedy monologue you feel passionately about
please first contact the director at tahniagetson@gmail.com.

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Thank you to our sponsors, funders, volunteers and patrons.