2024 Provincial Adult One Act Play Festival of Champions presented by the Alberta Drama Festival Association

Looking for entertainment, creativity, innovation, and excellence in live theatre? Then you need to take in the 2024 Provincial Adult One Act Play Festival of Champions Presented by the Alberta Drama Festival Association.

Upbeat Comedies! Thought provoking Dramas! Original new plays! Something for everyone!

Seven regional champions showcase their winning talents in 3 sessions. Saturday May 18 @ 7 pm, Sunday May 19 @ 1 pm & 7 pm. All at the KMSC Law Performing Arts Theatre.

The three session pass is only $30 to see all 7 plays.
Single session passes are $15 for each session.

Advance Tickets are available at: gplt.ca or contact the Grande Prairie Live Theatre Box Office: (780)538-1616, Box.Office@gplt.ca.
At the Door Tickets are available at the KMSC 30 minutes before the start of each session

Hosted by Grande Prairie Live Theatre..

Supported by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and Theatre Alberta

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Alex Tells Jokes May 26 @ 8 pm

Sunday May 26 @ 8 pm, doors at 7 pm, you are in for the funniest man in Canada! (If not the WORLD!) Alex Tells Jokes!

Alex Mackenzie has been described as a happiness cheerleader. “A genuinely funny man with a sincere desire to spread happiness” says Stage Whispers Australia. Born and raised in Prince George, BC, Mackenzie has always had a positive attitude and a knack for making people laugh. In 2019 Mackenzie quit his six-figure job as a power engineer and instrumentation mechanic, sold his house and moved into an RV with his dog Finley to chase his stand up dreams.

Since then, Mackenzie has become an international sensation, performing to sold-out crowds around the world. He has performed at the Melbourne Comedy Festival and is the host of the popular Hungry for Laughs Comedy Tour. With his natural charisma and clever joke writing, he has gained a rapidly growing online following, with his videos reaching over 60 million views.

Mackenzie’s style of comedy is upbeat and positive, with a focus on spreading happiness and making people feel good. He’ll make you feel like you’re hanging out with your best friend as he takes you on a hilarious journey through his unique perspective on life. He has a talent for connecting with his audience and making them feel like they are part of the show. His positive attitude is infectious, and he can turn even the toughest crowds into a room full of laughter.

His down-to-earth personality and his ability to create infectious laughter have earned him a reputation as one of Canada’s must-see comedians. Mackenzie is often recognized in public and asked to move his RV.

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May is Entertainment Month

Spring is here and so is a new crop of live entertainment events.
May 4 @ 7:30 pm at the Grande Prairie Live Theatre: The BIG Jazz Ensemble Concert presented by the Grande Prairie Music Society
May 18 @ 7 pm, May 19 @ 1 pm & 7 pm, at the KMSC Law Performing Arts Theatre, The Alberta Adult One Act Play Festival of Champions presented by the Alberta Drama Festival Association
May 24 @ 2 & 7 pm and May 25 @ 2 pm at the KMSC Law Performing Arts Theatre, St. John Paul II Catholic High School Presents: The Production of MTI’s Broadway JR. Revue “Raise Your Voice”
May 24 @ 7 pm and May 25 @ 1 pm at the Christian Fellowship Assembly, enjoy Two Comic Operas: “Double the Opera” presented by GP Opera
May 23-June 8 @ 7:30 pm, at GPLT, Halfway There a Comedy by Norm Foster, The final play of the Grande Prairie Live Theatre’s 61st Season.
May 26 @ 2 pm, at GPLT, The Grande Prairie Live Theatre 62nd Season Reveal feat. the 2024-25 GPLT plays and concerts. FREE to ALL
May 26 @ 8 pm at GPLT, Alex Tells Jokes Comedy, Funny, Very Funny and Hilariously Funny!

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Thank you to our sponsors, funders, volunteers and patrons.