Poetry Slam: Fun, Creative, Fun! May 20 @7 pm

Poetry Slam is for anyone who wants to try their hand at creating a poem. No poetry experience required. All aspiring poets will be given the same topic 20 minutes before the start at 7 pm. They have that 20 minutes to slam out an original poem. A random draw decides on the performance order. Email Box.Office @gplt.ca to enter as a poet or to get your name into the draws for door prizes.

Grande Prairie! We are running a home video challenge throughout the month of May. Winter was looooong, and this “new normal” of restrictions has felt loooooong. So we want you to send us something  long! Submit your video of 15-45 seconds of the longest thing in Grande Prairie. We will be presenting submissions throughout the month during our Thursday Night events and at the end of the month we will announce the winner! To enter, please email your video to box.office@gplt.ca. along with your name and one sentence about your video. Please name your video: MayLong_YourLastName to submit. We’re excited to get your submissions!

Are you a playwright who has finally finished a draft of your newest play and want to hear it out loud? Have you always wanted to write a play but were waiting for someone to come around and ask you to do it? GPLT is looking for new scripts for our actors to do virtual readings of! We are accepting submissions now! We would love a chance to showcase a local playwright, aspiring or otherwise, in our next virtual variety night play reading. Please email submissions to box.office@gplt.ca. 

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GPLT Rising Stars Summer Camps Taking Registrations!

Hello all! Exciting news: Our Registration for the 2021 Summer Program opens May 7, at 12pm! You can find all of our themes and links to our registration forms on our new website:
Much like last year, we will be split into two classes this year! In order to mitigate cohorts and keep our groups small, we will be accepting 8 students per class!
The Junior [7-10] students will be at Grande Prairie Live Theatre, and the Intermediate [11-14] students will be at the KMSC Performing Arts Theatre!
Make sure to give the themes a perusal so you’re ready for registration starting May 7!

Are you a playwright who has finally finished a draft of your newest play and want to hear it out loud? Have you always wanted to write a play but were waiting for someone to come around and ask you to do it? GPLT is looking for new scripts for our actors to do virtual readings of! We are accepting submissions now! We would love a chance to showcase a local playwright, aspiring or otherwise, in our next virtual variety night play reading. Please email submissions to box.office@gplt.ca. 

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Improv Maniacs are BAAACK! May 13 @ 7 pm

It’s Improv Battle Station Time!!
Teams of 2 Battle for Improv Supremacy Thursday May 13 @ 7 pm.
Each team member must be 18 years old or older. Limited to 8 teams.
Register by NOON May 13 by emailing Box.Office@gplt.ca
The Winning Team gets a prize. Every team gets a prize. There are no appeals or complaining about anything – this is a fun event only! This is not a serious competition (unless you have a competitive personality, then this will be the most important night of your life!)
Audience enter before 3 pm May 13 to win door prizes by emailing Box.Office@gplt.ca.
WARNING: Extreme gales of laughter and possible Adult Themes!

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Thank you to our sponsors, funders, volunteers and patrons.