Notice of Annual General Meeting 2 pm Sunday September 12, 2021 WITH PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE GPLT BYLAWS

AHS requires that everyone attending the AGM wear masks at all times.

GPLT members can register in advance by contacting the GPLT Box office to attend the GPLT AGM virtually through a Zoom link. GPLT members with the approved Zoom link will be able to vote anonymously. Guests or interested members of the public who are not members are still welcome to attend in person but will not be able to get the Zoom link. The GPLT Annual General Meeting starts at 2 pm on Sunday September 12, 2021. Masks will be available.

Notice of special resolution that will be presented at the AGM to update the GPLT Bylaws. Here are the proposed new bylaws:

2021 GPLT Bylaws to be presented to the AGM for approval

Here are an explanation of the proposed changes:

4-2021 Explanation of Proposed Changes to the GPLT Bylaws

GPLT Bylaws registered 2005

The special resolution is needed to clarify virtual voting and attendance requirements, to clarify memberships, to update Board responsibilities and positions and to update the Bylaws given changes in the Societies Act of Alberta.
Notice of the Grande Prairie Live Theatre Annual General Meeting 2 pm September 12, 2021 at GPLT, 10130-98 Avenue Grande Prairie Alberta. Election of Vice President, Secretary, Youth Board Member, and 2 Members at Large for 2 years terms. Nominations are open to any GPLT Member. For more information on the AGM and the nomination/election process contact Manager Wayne Ayling at
Descriptions of the Board Member Duties:
Every Board Member is expected to attend 11 Board meetings and participate in Board initiatives. Preparing for meetings by reading documents sent out in advance of each meeting. Contributing new ideas to move GPLT forward.
Vice President: A 3 year commitment. Proposed changes would have the new Vice President automatically becoming the President Elect and President in the following years.
Secretary: A 2 year commitment. Focus on GPLT Meeting and other records. Focus on contributing to Board initiatives and providing new ideas.
Member at Large: A 2 year commitment. Focus on contributing to Board initiatives and providing new ideas.
Youth Board Member: Must be 16-20. A 1 year commitment. Focus on contributing to Board initiatives and providing new ideas.

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Virtual Variety Nights Continue All Summer Starting July 1 @ 8 pm.

Virtual Variety Nights are so HOT they will run EVERY THURSDAY all summer long starting July 1 at 8 pm. July 1 is Story Circle. The theme is “Canada.” Alyssa Hudson is the Creator and Summer Host. She is creating a dynamic schedule of events you don’t want to miss. To participate or watch the new contact info is:



Facebook: Virtual Variety Nights

YouTube: Virtual Variety Nights

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The Pillowman Audition June 29 & 30 7-9 pm

GPLT is looking for one Actor with GUTS. Auditions June 29 and 30, 7-9 pm.

“The blackest of dark comedies, “The Pillowman” is a stunner of a play surrounding two siblings, Katurian and Michal, who are being held in prison under suspicion that the former may have murdered three small children in a way that eerily reflects tales they have written.
We are looking for one role:
Tupolski (any age/gender identity/race): A police detective who plays more of the ‘good cop’ role compared to Ariel, but with no hesitation to employ violence either if needed. Their attitude is more on the dry side than Ariel’s.
Please be prepared to read sides from the play at the audition. Memorizing the sides is unnecessary, however, being familiar with the play is strongly encouraged.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the director at:”
To book an audition time or get copies of the sides:

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Thank you to our sponsors, funders, volunteers and patrons.