Grande Prairie Live Theatre thanks the Patrons who generously donated to PACE(Community Support, Sexual Assault and Trauma Centre) at the “Donate What You Can” Final Dress Rehearsal of Shrek the Musical on February 7, 2023. Your donations plus GPLT’s donation of that evening’s concession sales = $2251.75. PACE Executive Director Jackie Aitken accepts the donation cheque from Shrek Director Jennifer Robertson and GPLT Board President Tenille Millsap at the Thursday, February 16, 2023 performance of the sold out Shrek the Musical.
If you are in crisis call the Pace office during office hours at 780-539-6992, or call the province-wide Alberta One-Line toll-free talk-text-and chat service to connect to specialized supports at 1-866-403-8000.

Our Patrons & GPLT Donate to PACE at Shrek the Musical
Categories: Announcements