The volunteers of Grande Prairie Live Theatre are happy to be a double award winner in this year’s Canada Day Parade! Best Overall Costumes and 2nd Place in the Not for Profit Category! Congratulations to the Friendship Centre for their 1st Place Award – Their Float was superb!! Thanks to Debbie Ducharme and her Parade committee! Debbie created the largest bunny ever seen in Grande Prairie! Thanks to everyone who worked on this double award winning float, who wore the incredible costumes, to Keddie’s Tack and Western Wear who donated the trailer and to Matt MacDonald who donated the truck. Thanks to Jessica Moutray of J-maille Jewelry for the chain mail headpieces! PS-Do you have your season tickets and your Bear Creek Folk Festival Pass and your GP Comedy Jam tickets? Call 780 538 1616 to book and for more information. Or online at