Looking for entertainment, creativity, innovation, and excellence in live theatre? Then you need to take in the 2024 Provincial Adult One Act Play Festival of Champions Presented by the Alberta Drama Festival Association.

Upbeat Comedies! Thought provoking Dramas! Original new plays! Something for everyone!

Seven regional champions showcase their winning talents in 3 sessions. Saturday May 18 @ 7 pm, Sunday May 19 @ 1 pm & 7 pm. All at the KMSC Law Performing Arts Theatre.

The three session pass is only $30 to see all 7 plays.
Single session passes are $15 for each session.

Advance Tickets are available at: gplt.ca or contact the Grande Prairie Live Theatre Box Office: (780)538-1616, Box.Office@gplt.ca.
At the Door Tickets are available at the KMSC 30 minutes before the start of each session

Hosted by Grande Prairie Live Theatre..

Supported by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and Theatre Alberta